A Grocery Doppio Webinar

The State of Digital Grocery: Year in Review and 2023 Outlook

Grocery Doppio

Barry Clogan

Chief Evangelist

Grocery Doppio

Doug Baker

VP Industry Relations

Grocery Doppio

Gaurav Pant

Chief Insights Officer

Grocery Doppio

Wednesday, Januarry 11, 2023 | 12 PM ET

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Incisiv’s Grocery Doppio platform benchmarks the digital performance of grocery retailers on a monthly basis. This session recaps the 2022 digital performance of the industry.

Join Grocery Doppio and Wynshop on January 11 for a walkthrough of the findings of the State of Digital Grocery in 2022.

In this session, we will detail key data points around the performance of the grocery industry for the year and will highlight significant trends, including:

Digital Performance:

  • What % of grocery sales were digital?
  • How much market share did third party delivery apps lose?
  • How much did grocers lose due to digital order cancellations?
  • Is digital profitable?

Shopper Behavior:

  • How did shoppers adjust their baskets due to inflation?
  • Will shoppers continue to spend more through digital channels in 2023?
  • What parts of the digital experience will drive loyalty?

Grocer Investment:

  • How will technology budgets change in 2023?
  • How will investment in digital technologies change in 2023?
  • What are the top opportunities pursued by grocers?

In addition, we will provide a perspective on key trends shaping 2023.

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